Title: Beetlejuice Animated Series (1989-1991)
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Plot Synopsis:
The Beetlejuice animated series is based on Tim Burton’s hit 1988 movie, bringing the mischievous and eccentric “bio-exorcist” Beetlejuice into a cartoon format. The series follows the adventures of Beetlejuice and his best friend, Lydia Deetz, a goth teenager who shares his love of all things creepy. Together, they navigate the bizarre and spooky world of the Netherworld and interact with a host of quirky characters and creatures. Known for its unique animation style and dark humor, the series is beloved by fans for its quirky take on friendship, supernatural antics, and family-friendly scares.
Cast & Crew:
- Directors: Rick Bugental, Peter Sauder
- Writers: Patsy Cameron, Tedd Anasti, John Halfpenny
- Producers: Michael Hirsh, Patrick Loubert, Clive A. Smith
- Cast:
- Stephen Ouimette as Beetlejuice
- Alyson Court as Lydia Deetz
- Tara Strong as Claire Brewster
- Elizabeth Hanna as Delia Deetz
- Roger Dunn as Charles Deetz
YouTube Trailer:
Beetlejuice: The Complete Series (1989)
IMDb Link:
Beetlejuice Animated Series (1989-1991) on IMDb
Reviews from Letterboxd:
- SpookyFan89 – ★★★★☆
“A fantastic adaptation of the Beetlejuice movie, perfectly capturing its weird, offbeat charm. Lydia and Beetlejuice make an unforgettable duo!”
- CartoonLover – ★★★★★
“One of my favorite animated shows from the ’90s. The humor, characters, and Netherworld setting are all so unique. It’s a classic!”
- GhostlyGiggles – ★★★★☆
“Great animation and fun episodes that take you deep into Beetlejuice’s crazy world. Perfect for fans of dark humor and supernatural tales.”
- RetroReviver – ★★★☆☆
“Not quite the same as the movie, but it’s a fun and quirky cartoon that holds up. Definitely a must-watch for Beetlejuice fans.”
- HauntLover – ★★★★☆
“A childhood favorite that still gives me nostalgia. The show expanded the Beetlejuice universe in creative ways!”
Meta Description:
The Beetlejuice Animated Series (1989-1991) brings the ghostly mischief of Beetlejuice and his friend Lydia Deetz to life in cartoon form. Based on the classic Tim Burton film, this animated show explores their adventures in the Netherworld, filled with quirky characters and spooky humor. Loved for its dark comedy and unique animation style, Beetlejuice is a nostalgic favorite among fans of supernatural cartoons.