Additional information
Weight | 0.0850486 kg |
Alternate Title: Nihon jokyo-den: tekka geisha
Genre: Drama, Crime
Plot Synopsis:
Koshizu, a young geisha, attempts suicide but is saved by Yukichi, a cook. As she navigates her life, she encounters rival geisha Adakichi, greedy trader Yasukawa, and wealthy businessman Asai, leading to dramatic turns.
Cast and Crew:
IMDb Link:
A Lively Geisha (1970)
Meta Description:
A Lively Geisha (1970), also known as Nihon jokyo-den: tekka geisha, is a Japanese drama directed by Kôsaku Yamashita. The film follows Koshizu, a young geisha saved from suicide by a cook named Yukichi. As she navigates her life, she encounters various challenges, including rivalries and greed, leading to dramatic developments.
Weight | 0.0850486 kg |