Beef House: The Complete TV Series (2020) | Region-Free (Blu-Ray)
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Title: Beef House (2020)
Genre: Comedy, Sitcom
Plot Synopsis:
“Beef House” is a multi-camera sitcom parodying 1980s and 1990s American family sitcoms. The series centers on Eric, his wife Megan, and Eric’s best friend Tim, along with their eccentric housemates Ron, Ben, and Tennessee, all living together under one roof. Each episode follows the group’s madcap misadventures, blending traditional sitcom tropes with Tim and Eric’s signature absurdist humor.
Cast and Crew:
- Creators: Tim Heidecker, Eric Wareheim
- Cast:
- Tim Heidecker as Tim
- Eric Wareheim as Eric
- Jamie-Lynn Sigler as Megan
- Ron Austar as Ron
- Ben Hur as Ben
- Tennessee Luke as Tennessee
YouTube Trailer:
Beef House | Official Trailer
IMDb Link:
Beef House (TV Series 2020)
Meta Description:
“Beef House” (2020) is a comedy series created by and starring Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim. The show parodies classic American family sitcoms, following the eccentric lives of Eric, his wife Megan, and their unconventional housemates. Known for its absurdist humor, “Beef House” offers a unique twist on traditional sitcom tropes.