Big Trouble (1986) | Region-Free (Blu-Ray) | Directed by John Cassavetes


Title: Big Trouble (1986)

Genre: Comedy, Crime

Plot Synopsis:
Leonard Hoffman, an insurance salesman struggling to make ends meet, is approached by Blanche Rickey, the wife of a wealthy but ailing husband. Blanche proposes a scheme to murder her husband and collect the insurance money, drawing Leonard into a web of deception and crime. As their plan unfolds, unexpected complications arise, leading to a series of comedic misadventures.

Cast and Crew:

  • Director: John Cassavetes
  • Writer: Andrew Bergman
  • Cast:
    • Peter Falk as Steve Rickey
    • Alan Arkin as Leonard Hoffman
    • Beverly D’Angelo as Blanche Rickey
    • Charles Durning as O’Mara
    • Robert Stack as Winslow

YouTube Trailer:
Big Trouble (1986) | Trailer

IMDb Link:
Big Trouble (1986)

Reviews from Letterboxd:

  1. FilmFan1986 – ★★★☆☆
    “An amusing caper with Falk and Arkin rekindling their chemistry from ‘The In-Laws.’ While not as sharp, it still delivers some genuine laughs.”
  2. CinemaSeeker – ★★☆☆☆
    “Despite the star power, the film feels disjointed. Cassavetes’ direction seems at odds with the comedic material.”
  3. RetroReviewer – ★★★★☆
    “A hidden gem from the ’80s. The dark humor and quirky characters make it a worthwhile watch for comedy enthusiasts.”

Meta Description:
“Big Trouble” (1986) is a comedy crime film directed by John Cassavetes, featuring Peter Falk and Alan Arkin as they embark on a convoluted insurance fraud scheme that spirals out of control.

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