Presented in 1080p with English subtitles
Alternate Title: Ninja hichô: Fukurô no shiro
Genre: Action, Drama
Plot Synopsis:
Set during the late Sengoku period, the Iga ninja clan plans to assassinate the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, to avenge past atrocities. Master spy Juzo Tsuzura is assigned the mission but must first confront a former Iga ninja turned traitor and navigate the complexities of a treacherous woman attempting to seduce him.
Cast and Crew:
IMDb Link:
Castle of Owls (1963)
Meta Description:
Castle of Owls (1963), also known as Ninja hichô: Fukurô no shiro, is a Japanese action-drama directed by Eiichi Kudo. The film follows master spy Juzo Tsuzura, portrayed by Ryutaro Otomo, as he undertakes a mission to assassinate ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi, confronting betrayal and seduction along the way.