Daughter of Darkness (1993) Mit moon cham on: Yit saat | Region-Free (DVD) | Uncut Edition


Region Free NTSC DVD-R with English Subtitles.

Title: Daughter of Darkness (1993)

Alternate Title: Mit moon cham on: Yit saat

Genre: Horror, Crime, Thriller

Plot Synopsis:
In a small Chinese village, a young seamstress named Mak Wei-Fong reports the brutal murder of her entire family. Detective Leoi Gei leads the investigation, uncovering a history of severe abuse endured by Wei-Fong at the hands of her family, particularly her father. As the investigation unfolds, dark secrets emerge, blurring the lines between victim and perpetrator.

Cast and Crew:

  • Director: Kai-Ming Lai
  • Writer: Kai-Ming Lai
  • Cast:
    • Lily Chung as Mak Wei-Fong
    • Anthony Wong Chau-Sang as Detective Leoi Gei
    • Hugo Ng Doi-Yung as Gin
    • William Ho Ka-Kui as Mak’s Father
    • Money Lo Man-Yee as Mak’s Mother

IMDb Link:
Daughter of Darkness (1993)

Reviews from Letterboxd:

  1. ELECTRICWIZARDx – ★★★☆☆
    “Run of the mill Cat III sleaze that feels like it’s just going through the motions to hit every trope synonymous with Cat III sleaze. We’ve got the neck snapping tonal whiplash of depravity and the lowest brow humour you can find (which is of course done through the medium of an incompetent police force with a squeamish woman who’s relentlessly mocked), sweaty despicable characters doing sweaty despicable things (incestuous r@pe and abuse in this case), the film told through flashback, r@pe, violence, gratuitous s&x scenes, hilariously fucked translations on the subs and bloody murder. And of course Anthony Wong, and his ability to prove you wrong every time you think you can’t see him do anything else immorally bizarre on screen. It’s watchable, nothing special and there are countless other Cat III films you should choose over this, but it would probably serve as a decent starting point if you’re interested in going down the Cat III rabbit hole.”
  2. FilmKatt 🍉 – ★★★★☆
    “Holy f*ck, this was brutal. I had no idea what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t this. Surprisingly, Anthony Wong was not the most perverse character. Instead, he provided comedic relief amidst all the depravity (I mean it’s funny to me i.e., fondling the cadavers and being a pervert while interrogating hehe). This weird mashup of straight-up traumatizing media and stupid humor is relevant in a bunch of CATIII films The Untold Story for example which honestly? I appreciate it! they truly said you better laugh also here’s a hardcore r4pe scene for ya! The first half had a ridiculous and raunchy tone, but it quickly shifted to a sleaze galore towards the end of the film. The story, soundtrack, and main character reminded me of Mermaid Legend, but ten times more depressing and graphic Jesus
  3. DrSheep – ★★★½☆
    “I sometimes feel like Hong Kong Cat III films, like this one, are written by three different people: the comedian, the depraved pervert, and the might-well-be-an-axe-murderer-in-real-life writer. Daughter of Darkness is the perfect combination of all three if ‘perfect’ means totally f*cked up abusive father gets his comeuppance while a police detective makes gross s&xist jokes to his female assistant. It shouldn’t work and to be honest I’m not sure it really does but if you want to understand this genre this is the perfect example. R4pe-revenge horror movies are nothing new now but this was apparently a sleeper er0tic-horror-crime hit and not just because of the closeup of Lily Chung’s n*pples (I think??). What a weird and I imagine problematic…”

Meta Description:
“Daughter of Darkness” (1993), directed by Kai-Ming Lai, is a Hong Kong Category III horror-crime film that delves into the harrowing tale of a young woman’s vengeance against her abusive family, blending elements of horror, crime, and dark humor.

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