Genre: Thriller, Crime, Drama
Plot Synopsis:
Lindy Sampson, a 21-year-old tech genius and hacker, is persuaded by her roommate to try online dating. She begins to suspect that one of her suitors is a dangerous cyber-stalker and teams up with a group of hackers and cyber-crime investigators to uncover a serial killer in Manhattan, all while searching for her missing sister, Sara.
Cast and Crew:
IMDb Link:
Eye Candy (2015)
Meta Description:
Eye Candy (2015) is an American thriller television series developed by Christian Taylor, based on R.L. Stine’s novel. The series stars Victoria Justice as Lindy Sampson, a tech genius who suspects one of her online dates is a serial killer. Teaming up with hackers and cyber-crime investigators, she seeks to uncover the truth while searching for her missing sister.