Bad Girl Mako (1971) Furyô shôjô Mako | Region-Free (DVD)


Title: Bad Girl Mako (1971)

Alternate Title: Furyô shôjô Mako

Genre: Action, Crime

Plot Synopsis:
Mako, a rebellious young woman, frequents nightclubs with her delinquent friends under the patronage of a city-dominating gang. One evening, she meets Hideo, and what begins as a one-night stand blossoms into love. Tragically, Hideo is murdered by the gang, prompting Mako to vow vengeance against those responsible.

Cast and Crew:

  • Director: Koretsugu Kurahara
  • Writers:
    • Yasuharu Hasebe
    • Saburo Kuroki
  • Cast:
    • Junko Natsu as Mako
    • Tatsuya Fuji
    • Jirô Okazaki
    • Tako Tobe
    • Jô Shishido

YouTube Trailer:
Bad Girl Mako | Trailer

IMDb Link:
Bad Girl Mako

Reviews from Letterboxd:

  1. Chris – ★★★☆☆
    “A fast-moving and hugely entertaining girl gang movie. The film ends on a close-up of Mako’s face, with a single tear rolling down her cheek.”
  2. Steve – ★★★★☆
    “An engaging tale of love and revenge. Junko Natsu delivers a compelling performance as Mako.”
  3. Alex – ★★★½☆
    “A classic example of 1970s Japanese cinema, blending action and drama effectively.”

Meta Description:
“Bad Girl Mako” (1971), also known as “Furyô shôjô Mako,” is a Japanese action-crime film directed by Koretsugu Kurahara. The narrative centers on Mako, a rebellious young woman who seeks vengeance against a city gang after the murder of her lover, Hideo.

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Weight 0.0850486 kg