Gypsy (1990) | Region-Free (DVD) | Amir Shervan



Source: VHS

Title: Gypsy (1990)

Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller

Plot Synopsis:
Montana, a drifter known as “the Gypsy,” confronts a ruthless and racist land baron, Bob Houston, to protect migrant families working on the land. As tensions escalate, Montana becomes the target of both Houston’s henchmen and corrupt local law enforcement, leading to a series of confrontations in the desert badlands.

Cast and Crew:

  • Director: Amir Shervan
  • Writers:
    • Carol Dickey
    • Amir Shervan
  • Cast:
    • Harold Diamond as Montana the Gypsy
    • Stuart Whitman as Sheriff Delacroux
    • Delia Sheppard as Jaja
    • Lonie Roma as Rose
    • Allen Perada as Deputy

IMDb Link:
Gypsy (Video 1990)

Reviews from Letterboxd:

  1. Geoffrey Broomer – ★★★☆☆
    “The second last of Amir Shervan’s American action films – Gypsy was made right before the Persian director’s cult classic, Samurai Cop. Here Shervan takes the social studies skills he used to explore Japanese warriors working in law enforcement, and instead takes aim at the American Gypsy. Though not half as absurd as his more infamous work, there is an undeniable charm in the similar symptoms playing out against a more grounded reality.”
  2. Curtis – ★★½☆☆
    Gypsy is Amir Shervan’s unintentional strengths and damning weaknesses in a prickly, 100-minute mass. There are momentary flashes of what will come, that glorious artlessness that would bring him to every B-movie fan’s attention. But the atmosphere surrounding those moments is too heavy and inert for anything to catch.”
  3. Rob Hill – ★★½☆☆
    “The movie Samurai Cop could have been, but fortunately isn’t. This is the one American Amir Shervan offering I hadn’t seen and it’s probably his least entertaining, but it’s fascinating how distinctly him it is.”

Meta Description:
Gypsy (1990) is an action-packed thriller directed by Amir Shervan. The film follows Montana, a drifter known as “the Gypsy,” portrayed by Harold Diamond, as he stands against a tyrannical land baron and his gang to defend migrant families. Co-starring Stuart Whitman and Delia Sheppard, the movie delves into themes of justice and survival in a lawless land.

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