Seeding of a Ghost (1983) | Region-Free (Blu-Ray)


Cinema Dream Network Custom Region-Free Blu-ray/BD-R Release

Presented in 1080p with English subtitles.

Title: Seeding of a Ghost (1983)

Alternate Title: Zhong gui

Genre: Horror, Thriller

Plot Synopsis:
A Hong Kong taxi driver accidentally hits a sorcerer with his cab, leading to a curse that devastates his life. After his wife is brutally raped and murdered by thugs, he seeks the sorcerer’s assistance to exact supernatural revenge, resulting in otherworldly chaos.

Cast and Crew:

  • Director: Yang Chuan
  • Writer: Lam Yee Hung
  • Cast:
    • Norman Chu as Taxi Driver
    • Phillip Ko as Sorcerer
    • Maria Yuen as Wife
    • Wang Yong as Thug Leader
    • Pak Man-Biu as Sorcerer’s Assistant

YouTube Trailer:
Seeding of a Ghost (1983) | Trailer

IMDb Link:
Seeding of a Ghost (1983)

Reviews from Letterboxd:

  1. c h r i s – ★★★★☆
    “Nothing like some Shaw Brothers black magic voodoo mayhem to start your morning! After watching his criminally underseen vengeful oddity Hell Has No Boundary and freaking loving it, I knew I immediately had to seek out Seeding of a Ghost. Chuan Yang brings out some grotesque blood-pumping visuals in this crime-thriller horror fantasy hybrid, which plays out with early developments as a standard rape revenge flick; a husband seeks supernatural vengeance on the men that brutally raped and murdered his wife. Knowing the bitter repercussions, he still seeks help from a necromancer he previously ran down with his cab—of course! In a blink of an eye and a tonal shift in gear all hell breaks loose in the third act; let the gooey Shaw Brothers black magic shenanigans commence!”
  2. Scumbalina – ★★★★☆
    “The slow start makes you wonder what all the fuss is about but about halfway through it picks up and delivers some of the most radical and gooiest Shaw Brothers black magic shenanigans around. Not quite the tour de force that the Boxer’s Omen is, but a worthy companion piece indeed!”
  3. Matt Winfield – ★★★★★
    “When a putrefied corpse having sex with a dead man’s possessed wife is only the second most insane thing in your movie, you know you’re onto a winner. Seeding of a Ghost is a film that starts off as a fairly standard rape-revenge flick but then takes a sharp left turn into batshit insanity. The final act is a non-stop barrage of gore, nudity, and supernatural mayhem that has to be seen to be believed. Highly recommended for fans of extreme cinema.”

Meta Description:
“Seeding of a Ghost” (1983), directed by Yang Chuan, is a Hong Kong horror-thriller that follows a taxi driver who, after his wife’s brutal murder, enlists a sorcerer’s help to exact supernatural revenge, leading to otherworldly chaos.

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