Bedardi (1993) | Region-Free (Blu-Ray)
Title: Bedardi (1993)
Genre: Action, Romance
Plot Synopsis:
The Saxena family comprises Professor Nirbhay, his wife Preeti, their daughter Ritu, and Nirbhay’s younger siblings, Vijay and Suman. Vijay, a college student, falls in love with his classmate Honey after initial disagreements. Their relationship faces challenges when Honey’s estranged brother, Kanhaiya, returns and opposes their union. The family’s situation worsens when money saved for Suman’s marriage is stolen, leading Vijay to accept a contract to commit murder, unaware that his target is someone close to him.
Cast and Crew:
- Director: Krishnakant Pandya
- Writers:
- Devjyoti Roy (Screenplay)
- Dilip Shukla (Story)
- Cast:
- Ajay Devgn as Vijay ‘Viju’ Saxena
- Urmila Matondkar as Honey
- Naseeruddin Shah as Professor Nirbhay Saxena
- Reena Roy as Preeti N. Saxena
- Kiran Kumar as Kanhaiya aka K.K. aka Kanya
YouTube Trailer:
Bedardi | Trailer
IMDb Link:
Bedardi (1993)
Meta Description:
“Bedardi” (1993) is an Indian Hindi-language action-romance film directed by Krishnakant Pandya, featuring Ajay Devgn and Urmila Matondkar. The story revolves around the challenges faced by the Saxena family, highlighting themes of love, betrayal, and familial bonds.