Charisma (1999) | Region-Free (Blu-Ray) | Directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa


Title: Charisma (1999)

Genre: Drama, Mystery

Plot Synopsis:
Charisma is a 1999 Japanese philosophical drama directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. The film follows Goro Yabuike, a seasoned detective who, after a failed hostage negotiation, retreats to a mysterious forest. There, he encounters a peculiar tree named Charisma, which becomes the center of a conflict among various individuals, each with differing views on its significance and impact on the forest’s ecosystem. Yabuike finds himself entangled in this dispute, grappling with themes of individuality, societal norms, and the delicate balance between nature and human intervention.

Cast and Crew:

  • Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa
  • Writer: Kiyoshi Kurosawa
  • Cast:
    • Kōji Yakusho as Goro Yabuike
    • Hiroyuki Ikeuchi as Kiriyama
    • Ren Osugi as Nakasone
    • Yoriko Douguchi as Chizuru Jinbo
    • Jun Fubuki as Mitsuko Jinbo

YouTube Trailer:
Charisma (1999) 

IMDb Link:
Charisma (1999) 

Reviews from Letterboxd:

  1. Sean Wilson – ★★★★★
    “A strange but nonetheless hypnotic film. Kurosawa’s camera work is typically brilliant, allowing the viewer to escape into the mysterious rural Japanese landscape.”
  2. Travis Mackenzie Hoover – ★★★★☆
    “With its combination of Tarkovskian natural wonder, Beckett absurdity, and good old-fashioned movie élan, it’s guaranteed that you’ll care enough to see into its deeply troubled heart of darkness.”
  3. Kris Nelson – ★★★★☆
    “The soundtrack is perfect. The film has been interpreted by some as an allegorical tale about the structure of Japanese society.”

Meta Description:
Charisma (1999) is a Japanese philosophical drama directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, starring Kōji Yakusho as a detective entangled in a forest dispute over a mysterious tree. The film explores themes of individuality, societal norms, and the balance between nature and human intervention.

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