Ninja Kill (1987) | Region-Free (DVD)
Title: Ninja Kill (1987)
Alternate Title: Ninja Kill
Genre: Action
Plot Synopsis:
An army of evil purple ninjas battles sadistic yellow ninjas to stop an assassination plot.
Cast and Crew:
- Directors: Joseph Lai, Godfrey Ho
- Writer: Stephen So
- Cast:
- Richard Harrison
- Stuart Smith
- Paul Huisintyeld
- Sorapong Chatree
- Naiyana Shewanan
YouTube Trailer:
Ninja Kill (1987) | Trailer
IMDb Link:
Ninja Kill (1987)
Reviews from Letterboxd:
- Kevin Clarke – ★★★☆☆
“In one of the two movies in this movie, a white guy in a purple ninja costume fights some other white guys in yellow ninja costumes, wearing headbands that read ‘Ninja,’ so you know they’re ninjas. His friend Pedro is killed by one of these ‘Ninja Killers.’ Then, the hero from movie number one calls his friend David and tasks him with being the star of movie number two. Movie number two takes up more screen time, so we’ll refer to it as movie number one from now on. In movie number one, David goes to Thailand and meets up with some of his buddies, and is constantly captured by the bad guys while having relations with different women. The…” - Dennis Vehlen – ★★★☆☆
“Another day, another cut & paste ninja movie. I was looking forward to ‘Ninja Kill’ as it is another part of the Richard Harrison saga, but compared to the last few of these that I watched, this was only an okay one. The A-movie was fine, but not that interesting or memorable compared to some of the wilder ones I’ve seen in recent Filmark/IFD movies. The opening scene and climax with Richard Harrison as purple Ninja Master Gordon fighting Stuart Smith as the evil yellow ninja were definitely the highlights, and especially their final fight (including both of them running up a hill, shouting ‘NIIINJAAA!’ at each other) was hilarious.” - Jeff_at_CSB – ★½☆☆☆
“Part of My Summer of IFD Films. I was able to watch this one in its original Scope aspect ratio, thanks to the German DVD market’s insatiable appetite for Godfrey Ho movies. Actually, the print I saw credited Joseph Lai with directing this monstrosity; Godfrey Ho was merely credited with the ‘story.’ (LOL”
Meta Description:
“Ninja Kill” (1987) is an action film directed by Joseph Lai and Godfrey Ho, featuring a conflict between purple and yellow ninjas amidst an assassination plot.